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Welcome to the Digital Doctorate Blog! This page is your starting point. Here, you’ll get a good idea of what the blog is about, how you can use it to help you through your journey, and why I’m adding this to my plate of ever-expanding items!


Digital Doctorate was born out of numerous things. Firstly, as I was traversing the thought of obtaining my terminal degree, I searched for websites of those who had come before me. I wanted to read about others’ experiences, ups and downs, and what made them successful. I couldn’t find anything that fit that bill, so I created my own.

Who this blog is for

This blog is for anyone seeking insight into obtaining a terminal degree. While I am undertaking an online doctorate, many tips, milestones, and recommendations are useful to those attending a traditional doctorate program.

You can expect regular (weekly) updates on my progress from this blog. Those will be hyperlinked below as I update this blog. As I go through this process, I’ll also provide tips, tricks, strategies, etc. This isn’t my first rodeo. I’ve completed one Master’s Degree online and a Master’s certificate. I have experience in what it takes to succeed in this type of program, but the doctoral level is a new beast.

Blog Structure

This blog will be structured as follows

  • Weekly Updates: I will summarize whichever course I am in each week. I will annotate the required hours, how I’m structuring that with whatever I have going on the same week, the deliverables, and any issues I’ve encountered.
  • Strategies: I will document proven strategies and how I leverage them to ensure success at this level. This will include everything I have learned throughout my numerous years of undergrad and post-graduate education and new emerging technologies.
  • Book Reviews: As part of this journey, I realize I will be engrossed in reading books and scholarly articles. I will write a review of books I have thoroughly enjoyed, but those reviews will also encompass how I’m using that information to become a better doctoral student. You can read my first book review here.
  • Writing Tips: This is more of a personal vendetta against writing. I am a horrible writer, and if it weren’t for Grammarly, I’d never survive. Part of the reason for this blog is to continue writing, even if it is for fun, to hone my skills. I will also pass along some writing tips and tricks when I find them.
  • Affiliate Reviews: There is an added expense of time and financial resources to maintain a blog. If you see links on this site that take you to an external site and you purchase something (mostly Amazon), I will receive a small commission. There is no additional cost added to you as the purchaser. The small commissions help offset some of the financial costs of running this website.

Don’t be afraid to share this blog

If you like what you read and feel I provide some value, please share on whichever platform you prefer. If you have a blog and feel something I’ve written could resonate with your readers, please link to my page!


There you have it, that’s it for this post. Let me know in the comments what you’d like to see me write about or to say hello. Talk soon and happy doctoral-ing!

About the author

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